Local providers get many new patients from big box stores all the time.

The main reason is a hearing aid is a complex and advanced medical device, not a temporary accessory to be picked up alongside your groceries.

Many times, getting your hearing device from a big box store means you’re missing out on valuable services such as hearing aid programming, custom fit devices, regular maintenance, and other aftercare benefits. These are services that are essential to ensuring your hearing aid is properly treating your individual hearing loss and preventing your hearing loss from further deteriorating or worse, possibly damage your hearing even further.

Many individuals are tempted to turn to big box stores in search of a bargain. We can’t blame people for being bargain shoppers but price should not be the single deciding factor when selecting a hearing aid. We’ve all heard the old adage “You get what you pay for.”

Personalized Hearing Health Care

Utilizing the services of a local hearing provider means receiving personally tailored services long after you take your hearing aid home. Not only will a local hearing provider make certain you have selected the correct device for your level of hearing loss but they will also custom fit, program, and teach you how to fully utilize your new device. On top of all that, they can provide cleaning and maintenance services, performance updates, and conduct annual hearing tests to help you record and monitor your hearing loss.

If ever you have a question or concern regarding your hearing aid, you can be certain a local hearing provider will be there to assist you. Try calling the customer support line at a big box store and you will soon learn they are not the qualified hearing professionals you may have thought them to be.

Lack of Post-Purchase Services

Many large retail stores do not offer any services past the point of sale. This means if your hearing aid ever requires unique maintenance, adjustment, or cleaning (and they certainly will) you will be forced to pay for these extra services out of pocket.

Even worse, if a retailer does not have a hearing health care specialist on staff, you will have to ship your hearing aids to the manufacturer for maintenance. This could leave you without your hearing devices for possibly weeks and without a loner device while you wait.

Choose Personalized Patient Care & Hearing Health

Bottom line; when you buy your hearing aids from a big box store, you really don’t know what you’re getting. A quality device? A fair price? Professional care? Probably not. But buying your hearing aids through a local hearing health care provider gives you peace of mind and professional compassionate care. Be certain you are getting all the focused hearing health care, reputable hearing devices, and the services you’ll need to support your hearing for the long term.

Choosing your hearing aid is not a decision that should be made lightly. You will be relying on it a lot, after all. Start your journey towards better hearing health with the help of highly trained professionals. We promise high-quality hearing aids paired with high-quality service, take charge of your hearing health today by scheduling a comprehensive hearing test with your local hearing health specialist.

Tags: faqs, hearing aid fitting